I'll be taking your photograph soon. It will probably annoy you but I don't really care.
(If you're wondering why Ben Turner looks so fucked up it's because A: He just got his eyes lasered, and B: I threw the white balance off because I like the effect.)
This is a project I started a year ago that I never quite continued yet. I was inspired by a fashion shoot that positioned the subjects in one of those too beautiful designer homes. I thought the style of the way it was shot technically was interesting but aside from that it was pretty boring to me I've always enjoyed shooting portraits but everything I've done seems pretty textbook. I'm pretty happy with the way these turned out and would like to continue this series. Any takers? Let me know.
The road leading up to The Junction reveals a distinct break from the rest of the surrounding neighborhoods especially if you venture out there along Dundas from Bloor. There's this inexplicable feeling of entering a small town when you're visiting. Perhaps it's the older buildings that still retain much of their old charm, or the stores that seem to be caught in a time warp. Or maybe it's because you get an unobstructed view of the horizon a little too often to still be in our over-condo-ed city. Either way, life seems to operate just a little off around there.
Read more about this building here. Again, I'm really pissed off that my camera decided to run out of batteries at the most inopportune time.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Just off of Pacific Avenue, between Dandas West and Annette Street there is a beautiful Korean Christian Church that is in the process of being renovated. We had the audacity (mainly me) to break into the construction site and explore the building and it was well worth the effort. The building itself wasn't that old but the care and effort that went into the original structure was a rare sight for a urban dweller such as myself. I couldn't really get an idea what the end result of the renovations was going to be but it was nonetheless exciting to see the potential of an old structure, regardless of it's outcome.